- ECG in nonagenarians
Anna Kaczyńska, Monika Maciejewska, Agnieszka Kuch-Wocial
- Frailty syndrome and functional correlates of atrial fibrillation in patients admitted to the geriatric ward
Zyta Beata Wojszel, Łukasz Magnuszewski, Marta Świętek, Agnieszka Kasiukiewicz, Michał Łukasz Świętek, Katarzyna Zubrewicz
- Vitamin D deficiency as associated with cognitive decline and dementia among geriatric patients
Martyna Bziukiewicz-Walendzik, Krzysztof Wilczyński
- Evaluation of the possibility of using a stabilometric test in diagnosing a frailty syndrome in patients of the geriatric ward
Joanna Bieniek, Iwona Otremba-Zawrzykraj
- The problem of overweight and the physical fitness of women with osteoporosis – pilot studies
Anna Szczygielska-Babiuch, Magdalena Lipińska-Stańczak, Maciej Skrzypek, Katarzyna Smakowska, Agnieszka Stopa, Przemysław Kędziora, Katarzyna Cieślik, Bartłomiej Ptaszek, Szymon Podsiadło, Anna Kabata
- The nutritional condition of the elderly people staying in 24 hours a day care centres
Martyna Koczy, Tomasz Irzyniec, Zofia Nowak-Kapusta
- Analysis of diets implemented in the Social Assistance Centers located in the Silesian Voivodeship in terms of macronutrient and water content
Anna Pudełko, Justyna Nowak
- Influence of free radical reactions on aging-related development of arterial hypertension
Mariusz Kozakiewicz
- Comprehensive assessment of the nutritional status of the elderly – chosen methods and tools
Ewa Kawalec-Kajstura, Krzysztof Rewiuk, Grażyna Puto, Marlena Padykuła, Agata Reczek
- Swallowing disorders in Parkinson’s disease
Aleksandra Pytel, Ewelina Kozłowska, Aleksandra Kołtuniuk, Joanna Rosińczuk, Magdalena Kazimierska-Zając
- Organization of geriatric care in Germany from the doctor’s point of view
Hubert Stępień, Marta Muszalik
- Palliative and hospice care – organisation and functioning, based on the example of the West Pomeranian Voivodship
Rafał Iwański, Edyta Sielicka, Aneta Jarzębińska
- Multiple iatrogenic syndrome in older women – drug-induced hypothyroidism, memory impairment, hypoglycaemia, bradycardia, syncope and falls
Natalia Sołowianowicz, Barbara Bień