Najnowsze wydanie
- Characteristics of clinical, electrocardiographic, echocardiographic and autonomic parameters in patients with significant left ventricular systolic dysfunction aged 75 years and older/strong>
Damian Kaufmann, Ludmiła Daniłowicz-Szymanowicz, Katarzyna Rozwadowska, Małgorzata Dobrowolska, Agnieszka Niemirycz-Makurat, Małgorzata Szwoch, Grzegorz Raczak
- The relationship between cognitive functioning and functional capability in older adult
Anna Rajtar-Zembaty, Jakub Rajtar-Zembaty, Roksana Epa, Anna Starowicz-Filip
- The co-occurrence of cancers of the lower gastrointestinal tract within people older than 65 years with or without diverticular disease of the colon in the endoscopic image
Janusz Jerzemowski, Tomasz Nowak
- Anosognosia after stroke
Dorota Anita Przewoźnik, Anna Rajtar-Zembaty, Anna Starowicz-Filip, Paweł Michał Wrona
- Physiological and pathological changes in the teeth and periodontal tissues related to age
Katarzyna Barczak, Mirona Palczewska-Komsa, Jadwiga Buczkowska-Radlińska
- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) – disease of the elderly
Sylwia Kałucka
- The recognition and the treatment of diabetes mellitus according to new recommendations of Polish Diabetes Association
Małgorzata Górska-Ciebiada, Małgorzata Loba, Marcin Barylski, Maciej Ciebiada
- Position of torasemide in the treatment of heart failure – a clinical case with commentary
Marcin Barylski