
Current issue
  • The influence of omega-3 fatty acids on development and progression of dementia diseases in the geriatric population
    Maria Strzyżewska, Justyna Jusiak, Jakub Husejko


  • The influence of changes in the course of macular degeneration on the frequency of falls in elderly patients
    Dawid Cyls, Katarzyna Pasek, Kamila Sobczak, Jakub Husejko, Kornelia Kędziora-Kornatowska


  • Effective diagnostic tools for quick assessment of cognitive function. A review promoting the CDT, 6-CIT, AMTS, and AMT4 tests
    Dominik Sikora, Adam Zając, Piotr Oleksy, Karol Zieliński, Magdalena Mąka


  • Anticonvulsants as possible treatment for agitation and aggression in patients with dementia
    Leszek Bidzan


  • Practical aspects of drug complications in geriatric polypharmacy. Is it possible to protect the patient from iatrogenization and invalidation induced by pharmacotherapy? – part 1
    Jarosław Woroń, Barbara Gryglewska, Tomasz Drygalski, Barbara Lorkowska‑Zawicka, Jarosław Gupało


  • Acetylsalicylic acid – is it still a mainstay of primary and secondary prevention of acute coronary syndromes?
    Ewa Lewandowska, Marcin Grabowski


  • Gastrointestinal adverse effects after dulaglutide – case report and literature review
    Katarzyna Korzeniowska, Katarzyna Grabańska-Martyńska


  • Itchy skin after hydroxychloroquine – case report and literature review
    Katarzyna Korzeniowska, Katarzyna Grabańska-Martyńska


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Welcome to the website of the magazine “Geriatria”
The owner of the website and the magazine “Geriatria” is the Publishing House Akademia Medycyny, with its editorial office in Warsaw, at ul. Srebrna 16; postal code 00-810, entered in the register of business activities under the number 449816, NIP 922-229-09-48.

Publications published in the magazine and on the website are intended only for persons authorized to issue prescriptions and persons trading in medicinal products, within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 6 September 2001 – Pharmaceutical Law (Journal of Laws No. 126, item 1381, with subsequent amendments and regulations).

The medicines listed on this website may be used only after prior consultation with a doctor and familiarization with the information attached to each medicine.
Indexed journal:
Ministry of Science and Higher Education – 20 points
Index Copernicus 2025 – 91.29 points
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Publishing Academy of Medicine