- Assessment of safety and effi cacy of using opioid analgesic drugs in pre-hospital care – a survey of paramedics, nurses, and doctors
Krzysztof Żerdziński, Agnieszka Jonczyk, Julita Janiec, Daniel Kiełtyka, Łukasz J. Krzych
- Quantitative analysis and practical clinical use of Kendrick Extrication Device by EMT based on data from Command Support System EMS in years 2017-2022
Sławomir Paszek
- Problems related to pain monitoring in children hospitalized in Intensive Care Units
Katarzyna Illmer, Małgorzata Grześkowiak
- Interactions in patients hospitalized in the ICU, a signifi cant problem, often underestimated
Jarosław Woroń, Tomasz Drygalski, Tomasz Lonc, Jarosław Gupało, Barbara Lorkowska-Zawicka
- Oxygen – a life-giving gas or a killer? The use of oxygen in medicine
Olivia Pelczar, Iga Bernacka, Julia Bielawska, Agata Jakubowska, Wojciech Karpiński, Małgorzata Grześkowiak
- Challenges in perioperative management of patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
Magdalena Kwiatkowska, Agnieszka Jonczyk, Dominika Krupnik, Łukasz J. Krzych
- Respiratory system support – from a self-infl ating bag to mechanical ventilation devices
Witold Hryniewicz, Aleksander Wojdyło, Joanna Strzelecka, Hanna Markevich, Małgorzata Grześkowiak
- Anticoagulants – what shall we do?
Grzegorz Górniewski, Dariusz Kosson